3 thoughts on “Third Person”

  1. The image is difficult but engaging. My eyes want to see what’s in the background but are continually drawn forward by the light in the front. They strain to see the lone man on the road and wonder what he is doing in the shadows, but instead focus on the pink flowers in the foreground.

  2. Thanks Karl,

    It is a difficult photo and not an easy one to like. I’d been shooting pretty pictures of the almond trees in blossom and had come to the end of the day when I saw this man and a bit of light left on the road. Your eye does move to the light, which is why the composition doesn’t really work in any formal sense, but it works for me as a graphic representation of the words that accompany it.
    Thank you for taking it seriously.

  3. If you look really closely at the man, it looks like he has a box that is filled with blue light. Do the country folk catch vineyard fairies and carry them in boxes?

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