Larry Walker


Directions for Dying

Read Carefully:
It is important
That you get it right the first time.
There are no second takes.
You understand that, surely?

First, be sure all the bills are paid
Or there is money in the bank
To pay them.
Your terminal credit report
Means nothing to you
But could be important to your heirs, if any.

Second, you must (and this is essential)
Resist the impulse to write long and maudlin letters
To friends and relatives about your life
And death and what it all means.
No one, repeat after me, no one gives a shit.

In the same spirit, do not
Under any circumstance
Leave directions for music to be played
Or poems to be read at your funeral.
That is simply embarrassing for everyone.
(If you really must
You can request particular flowers.
Daisies are a cheerful choice.)

Finally, keep in mind
That your death is not about you.
I think that covers the main points:

Get Ready.
Get Set.


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