Paris, 29 March

A busy day at the Palais Royal, one of my favorite places in this lovely and still livable city.
Originally the home of Cardinal Richelieu, it housed royalty until the revolution, and many notables since, including Colette and Cocteau (not in the same apartment).
There are two distinct sections enclosed by offices, the Comedie Francaise, and apartments. The beautiful gardens, bursting with spring, bring out office workers, students, and box lunches. An art installation called Les Confidents by Michel Goulet with Francois Massut consists of linked chairs with fragments of poetry carved into their backs, adding art to lunch.

In the Cour d’Honneur is a site-specific artwork by Daniel Buren called Les Deux Plateaux which is a favorite location for tourists, fashion photo students, and me.

And of course, a place for pétanque:

©2017 Ron Scherl

4 thoughts on “Paris, 29 March”

  1. It seems that France is your photographic muse. I love your photos. They bring back memories of one of my favorite places to visit. I particularly like the “people” pictures. Thanks for posting them. Keep them coming!

  2. We miss you already! But will rejoice in the new avalanche of words and pictures.
    BTW Your essential humanity comes through so strongly in the blogs. We all need more of this pure clear sentiment. It may be the only counter we have – pure clear sentiment free of reaction-laden disparagement.
    As John Stewart said: “Impotent rage gets to be very wearing.”

  3. I’m especially found of the couple kissing with such passion. The little girl walking away intent on where she’s going, the girls gawking at the couple, and the guys missing most of what’s going on around them. I looked up Michel Goulet to see more of his art, you keep bringing new things into my world. Thank you!

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